FibeRoad™ System

The Best Solution for FTTx

The FibeRoad™ System was designed to meet the diverse requirements of customers and handle uncertainties in project specifications. With its versatility and ability to adapt to any needs, it is the ideal solution for all types of fiber optic networks.

Its primary advantage is variable capacity, allowing for easy addition of management segments into a classic stacking system. FibeRoad™ can also be used in a cascading tray solution, which is essential for shallow boxes. Additionally, it offers a wide range of fiber optic trays – KM 4, KM 5, KM 6, KM 7 and KM 9 – that can be mixed within one box as required.

FibeRoad™ is the best fiber management solution for any fiber network, whether GPON or 5G. Its use across all points of network, from small closures to large cabinets, makes deployment and maintenance a routine task.

Key Benefits

  • Variable capacity: ability to gradually add trays as required
  • Accessible stacking system
  • Significant space savings through a cascading tray solution
  • Ability to mix & match the Fiber Optic Trays KM 4, KM 5, KM 6, KM 7, KM 9
  • Initiative patching solution embedded and inclusive with the stacking system
  • Optional placing of PLC Splitters (outside a tray)
  • Extended space for fiber reserves
  • Ability to place fibers in a secondary sheath (pigtail, ø 0.9 mm)
  • Suitable for all types of networks
  • Suitable for ribbon fibers

A basic part is the organizer, which can also be used as a cable splitter. This replaces the prolonged and complicated process of putting fibers into protected microtubes like in many module solutions, because the fibers pass directly through the organizer into the module. There is also a space for splitters and unused fibers.

The tray holders are clipped onto the input organizer forming fiber ducts compatible also with ribbon fibers or 0.9mm fibers. The segments clipped into each other enable all ways of cable routing as required by the situation:

  • from the bottom up,
  • from the top down,
  • between the trays both up and down,
  • from one side to the other one under each tray or
  • to exit the organizer through a hole in each segment.

Other Products with the FibeRoad™ System

Why Take an Interest in the FibeRoad™ System?

“After working on various projects at PLP Micos for the last ten years – I think FibeRoad™ is one of the most innovative solutions that matches even the most complex network needs. The actual challenge is to expand our portfolio to enable ICT operators to standardise their entire network on the structured FibeRoad™ System.”

Petr Kabilka, Product Manager

“We have also introduced a methodology for creating the names of new products to make the product orientation and product search easier. Our clients can now easily recognize if a product contains FibeRoad™. The first two letters “MD” in the product name stand for “MicosTelcom Distribution” and determine that the product contains the FibeRoad™ System.”

Karel Pospisilik, Marketing Manager